Propitiation: The Power to Forgive!

Posted: 08/23/2012 in Articles
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‎”He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but for the sins of the whole world.” – 1 John 2:2

We all know that the redeeming work of Jesus on the cross is our only footing to stand before God. It’s easy to remember that my sins are forgiven and thus I can easily forgive myself of my own short comings. But so often we are fooled into thinking less of brothers who have offended us, sinned against us, or simply don’t measure up to our own standard of righteousness. Pride wells up in our hearts and minds. I thank you Lord that I am not like other sinners. I fast twice a week, tithe of all I earn, etc. etc. It is wrong to think in such a way about fellow redeemed sinners.

We must remember that the failures and sins of our brothers are also covered in the blood of Christ, thus their sins are forgiven as well. If God the righteous judge, has made one clean, how can we not look upon those who have wronged us through the lens of forgiveness?

Remember that God will not let any of His elect fall from His hands. He will sanctify all His beloved. May we be vessels of encouragement to those who sin, and continually fall or offend. May we forgive seventy times seven. Christ has bore all our iniquities, as He is the Propitiation for their sins, as well as ours.

– J. C. Hahne

  1. coleen says:

    Amen !!!

  2. Amen! May our own hope in Christ, a total gift of His grace, make our hearts extravaganty grace-filled for others. Congratulations, Joey on starting writing again! Pray for me to start writing too! 🙂

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