Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I try to be slow to speak when there are important or controversial issues. I know my mind is weak, and don’t always have the proper response. I am sinful, just like the rest. Even after I gather my thoughts, I’m sure I have blind spots and lack understanding. In my pride, I want to be right, and to have the perfect opinion, but know that I need more wisdom.

We are at a time in history where a great and horrific wrong has taken place in the murder of George Floyd by one who was supposed to protect and serve the community. We all ache, some more than others. I am deeply grieved by all that has taken place, first in foremost by the murder and approval of it by 4 policemen, and not just that, but by the unrest and political games taking place. It all sickens me, and like so many, I long for peace and harmony.

Unfortunately, we live in a world enslaved to sin and misery. We, all created in the image of God, equal and blessed, fell to sin. We are marked by sin; by pride, selfishness, hatred, anger, jealousies and so much more evil. We all fall short. All of us.

We toil and hope in things that will not deliver. Politicians are not the answer, organizations are not the answer. You and I, are not the answer. The answer, though many may shake their head is that Jesus Christ came to save sinners; to redeem and renew.

We all need a new identity, one that does not boast in the flesh, but has been humbled by the unimaginable love of God. When we come to Jesus, we come humbled, broken, knowing that we cannot stand; that no good thing dwells within us. And Jesus is our Healer, our Redeemer, the one who changes hearts, who brings all together as one.

Now, as we all know, that doesn’t make us perfect in our display of love. We continue to do the wrong that we so much dislike. But He does work in us, and one day, sin, racism, pride, selfishness, lies, anger and all these things will be done away with. I long for that day, when all the things that plague our hearts will be eradicated and to be in His presence where there is fullness of joy. Can you imagine that? A place where none of this nonsense exists or is even a thought?

If this is what you truly long for, a peace that is foreign to this world, turn to Jesus. Confess your sins, kneel before the cross and receive the love that took our sins upon Himself.

 “For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin,
so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”
2 Corinthians 5:21

Last month I had the opportunity to attend T4G in Louisville, Kentucky. The whole conference blessed my socks off, but my favorite speaker was a guy I hadn’t even heard of til that point. His name is David Platt and he preached a sermon entitled “An Unadjusted Gospel in an Unreached World: Connecting Gospel Theology with Urgent Missiology”… It was one of those sermons that made you take a step back, stop and re-evaluate the way you are living. It made me think again, for what purpose did God create and redeem me. He opened again my eyes to the urgency of the true, unperverted, unadjusted Gospel going forth to a world enslaved to sin. My hope is that you will take the time to listen to this sermon which was recently uploaded to the T4G site. Here is your audio LINK, nice big and Green so that you cant miss it. He is the last speaker on the list,  just in case you can’t find it. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

What does it mean to hate father and mother, children or spouse?

momHello all!!! Well, I just thought today I’d give you something else to read. I came across an excellent article entitle “What’s wrong with having a normal life?” written by none other than my mother, Krista Hahne. Okay, even if I’m a little biased, I still think it’s a great read and though a little long, (that’s just how my momma is) it’s worth your time…. I guarantee!!!!

So anyway, CLICK HERE!!!

Indeed quite a few months have passed since I last posted something. We have gone through a world of change in that we returned to to States after 13 years of missions. The transition has been a little tough in that we are learning a new culture and though I’m originally from the States, it feels like a new world. God however remains the same and His faithful, sovereign love is what holds us. There is much comfort in being the redeemed beloved of the Father.

We are now living and serving in Colorado Springs, Colorado where we have become involved in a new church plant called Reverence Bible Church of Colorado Springs. It is a joy to be here as we are enjoying the preaching of Derick Hull…very God and Gospel centered. What more could one need. The fellowship is small but sweet. Indeed a great group of sinners saved by grace. God is our chief boast!

Anyway, the reason for me posting is to announced that I intend to start blogging once again. First of all I believe it is for my own good in that writing causes me to be better disciplined in meditating regularly on the Gospel of His glorious grace. Just as God continually told the Israelites to remember and recall all that God had done for them, so too, we must remember the Gospel… thus blogging for me is one way to do that and to find power and joy to press on in our call to glorify and enjoy God forever.

Second, I enjoy the fellowship of the brethren. Loving one another is one of the many fruits of the Gospel, so I eagerly await your comments of encouragement… and spelling/grammar corrections… 13 years in a foreign country has certainly taken its toll on my English…

Anyway, I hope you will return regularly and that we will grow together in being sanctified by His word.

Blessings to you all,

J. C. Hahne

At the end of his life, Newton said to a friend, ‘My memory is nearly gone; but I remember two things: that I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great Savior.'”

– taken from Respectable Sins

I just read this over at the Desiring God site and thought it’s a good solid article/interview on Prayer. It’s called “Does it matter which person of the Trinity we pray to?” I’ve heard this question several times and I think Piper gives a well balanced answer. Here’s the Linkage!!! (it’s in written, and/or video form.)

Enjoy and let me know what you think.

Happy New Year!!!

Posted: 01/01/2009 in Uncategorized

Well, We’re back from a two month break in America… Sorry about not writing all that much during that time. I’m excited to start Blogging it up again as I’ve got some new books that seem pretty inspiring. I just started reading a Sovereign Grace compilation on Worldliness, as well as Bridges’ “Respectable Sins.” Okay, that’s all for now… Just wanted to let you all know that we made it home to Romania and all is well.

Blessings to you all!!!

Joey Hahne

Well, what can I say but… God is Holy and righteous, yet still full of mercy to His elect.

Uhhmmm… Yeah…

Posted: 10/14/2008 in Uncategorized

Well… I just wanted to say sorry for not posting for the last week… I’ve been pretty busy with a ton of stuff… tiling our hall, preparing for a trip to the States, and our 6 year anniversary of marriage… Anyway… I won’t make anymore excuses… I have been reading some good stuff so hopefully it’ll come out of my head soon!!!

J. C. Hahne

Howdy all!!!

Posted: 07/19/2008 in Uncategorized

Well…. Just wanted to say really quick that I officially give you permission to write comments to any of these posts!!! Discussion is encouraged…. Don’t be afraid!!! 😉

Okay, today I will start reading C. J. Mahaney’s “Living the Cross Centered Life”…  Anyone read it yet???  What do you all think? The title gives me the impression that it’ll be a brilliant, gospel drivin book… I just finished Mahaney’s book on humility, and thought it was great… Well let me know your opinion… either positive or negative, and as I read it I’ll do my best to share my thoughts…

Good day y’all,

J. C. Hahne

Prayer request…

Posted: 06/10/2008 in Uncategorized

I just wanted to write really quick and ask for your prayers for our little girl Katie… Last night she coughed all night and had a lot of trouble breathing… We took her to the doctor, and she has a really bad case of laryngitis… Katie along with Mihaela will be in the hospital here for a few days at least… As you probably know the hospitals aren’t too much fun here… Pray for Mihaela to be strong and for Katies health… They are both pretty sad…


J. C. Hahne

Katie getting used to the hospital…