Posts Tagged ‘Righteous’

I was reading this morning from the Psalms and this verse caught my eye and brought comfort and hope to me.

For you bless the righteous, O Lord;

You cover him with favor  as with a shield.” – Psalm 5:12

What a great peomise to hold on to. As you may know we have been going through some tough times as of late. Uncertainty clouds our thoughts and vision. It’s always easy to get discouraged when we fail to see the big picture; that Christ redeemed us, made us righteous, and showers us with His favor for His glory and our good.  May I count it all joy as we face various trials and setbacks. He is working in us for the glory of His great name. Blessed be His Holy Righteous name. Amen!

Well, what can I say but… God is Holy and righteous, yet still full of mercy to His elect.